ReactiveCocoa From the Ground Floor, Part 2

In the first part of the tutorial, we covered the core concepts of ReactiveCocoa and took a high level overview of the framework, and the concepts needed to be able to use it effectively. Now with that out of the way, we will dive into some more concrete examples and actually get to some code!

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Good for Consumers

“Good for Consumers”, is a phrase often heard in association with falling prices, more competition and more choice. With the App Store, plummeting prices can be regarded as good for the consumer, but I don’t believe that it is, at least in the long term. Though I know that there are many people much smarter than I working at Apple, and on the App Store team, I feel that they are even short sighted in this regard, putting aside the long term sustainable practices for short term growth.

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ReactiveCocoa From the Ground Floor, Part 1

So you have heard of ReactiveCocoa, and maybe tried to mess around with it a bit, but the learning curve was too high, or maybe you just didn’t see the value in learning it since you already know how to program and you do just fine as it is. Or maybe you have never heard of it and you just happened to stumble upon it here for the first time. This post will cover both groups and attempt to explain in the best way possible the ReactiveCocoa framework, why you should use it, and how it can be used.

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